Spend less.
Get better legal.

The Story legal platform blends next-generation technology with world-class lawyers to give you immediate access to professional legal help for a fraction of the price of traditional legal services.

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Trusted by cost-savvy founders at

Sick of getting screwed by the system?
We were too. So we decided to build a better one.

We believe you deserve quality representation and opportunity no matter who you are or how much money you have. So we built a platform that lets us do just that.

If you got screwed by...


...blowing money on Biglaw to mostly ignore you and overcomplicate what they actually did...


...or spending thousands on software that skipped crucial legal requirements...


...or tried it handling yourself and now have to spend even more to fix your mistakes...

...we want to hear your Story, and give you a better ending.

Boat womanLife saver
We save you time, money, and anxiety by getting your legal right from the start.

Story gives founders fast answers to easy questions, meaningful background about hard ones, and guidance on how to get positive returns on legal spending. So, instead of drowning in legal problems, you can grow a healthy business.

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Our secret? Our lawyers automate tasks that software is better at solving.

For routine stuff, our ethical AI follows lawyers’ processes to achieve human lawyer quality at the speed and cost of software and make good legal decisions for you. Where human lawyers add value, our software finds and optimizes great lawyers for you - just like a General Counsel.

The result? You save a ridiculous amount of cash to put back into your business and stay optimized for an exit.

And for the work that needs lawyers?
Our diverse Attorney Alliance excels at doing more with less.

When you need a human lawyer – you’re in good hands. We've assembled the Story Attorney Alliance, a growing team of 2,000+ lawyers across 50+ prestigious firms, to help us handle more specialized work for less.

Allied firms led by







Like... a lot more...
But hey, don't take our word for it.

Ready to save a sh*t-ton on legal?